Silicone Wristbands
Order Custom Silicone Wristbands Online
Compliment your company’s promotional campaign with EziTags range of silicone wristbands available Australia wide. Thought the fad had ended? It has not. Silicone wristbands are still the highest selling style of band for merchandising and company branding. The enthusiasm for the simple silicone band became so intense at one stage, that kids were wearing their collection up to their elbows, like the colourful extensions of their t-shirts. This inexplicable fascination with the wristband is still great news for businesses. It means they can effectively promote their brand amongst otherwise potentially unreachable target audiences, and do so with minimal costs. All you need is a little bit of colour, a company logo and a simple line of text and you can transform every giveaway into a mobile silicone advertisement. Each of these advertisements contains the potential to reach hundreds, if not thousands of people. Flexible and water-resistant, our silicone is perfect for a wide range of occasions, including fun runs, show bag inclusions, sporting events, corporate events and much, much more. Include them with one of our promotional bags or paper variations at your next event and give them out as little merchandising goodies.